Edward Kennedy, the youngest son of Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on 22nd February, 1932. His great grandfather, Patrick Kennedy, had emigrated from Ireland in 1849 and his grandfathers, Patrick Joseph Kennedy and John Francis Fitzgerald, were important political figures in Boston. Kennedy's father was a highly successful businessman who later served as ambassador to Great Britain (1937-40).Kennedy graduated from Harvard University in 1956 and then studied at the International Law School (The Hague) and the University of Virginia. A member of the Democratic Party Kennedy became involved in politics in 1960 when he campaigned for his brother, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, in his successful attempt to become president of the United States. Two years later he entered the Senate representing Massachusetts. Kennedy also helped Robert Kennedy in his campaign to become president until his assassination in 1968. The following year he was elected majority whip in the Senate. Kennedy was himself front-runner to become the next Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1972.
On 17th July, 1969, Mary Jo Kopechne joined several other women who had worked for the Kennedy family at the Edgartown Regatta. She stayed at the Katama Shores Motor Inn on the southern tip of Martha's Vineyard. The following day the women travelled across to Chappaquiddick Island. They were joined by Edward Kennedy and that night they held a party at Lawrence Cottage. At the party was Kennedy, Kopechne, Susan Tannenbaum, Maryellen Lyons, Ann Lyons, Rosemary Keough, Esther Newburgh, Joe Gargan, Paul Markham, Charles Tretter, Raymond La Rosa and John Crimmins.
Mary Jo Kopechne and Kennedy left the party at 11.15pm. Kennedy had offered to take Kopechne back to her hotel. He later explained what happened: "I was unfamiliar with the road and turned onto Dyke Road instead of bearing left on Main Street. After proceeding for approximately a half mile on Dyke Road I descended a hill and came upon a narrow bridge. The car went off the side of the bridge.... The car turned over and sank into the water and landed with the roof resting on the bottom. I attempted to open the door and window of the car but have no recollection of how I got out of the car. I came to the surface and then repeatedly dove down to the car in an attempt to see if the passenger was still in the car. I was unsuccessful in the attempt."
The ted's body is amazing!
I would love to touch him....
lion ted i love you
He's probably on Decadron for brain cancer - causes terrible bloating.
I feel bad for his family, for no matter what type of terd Teddy was, their loss is real and all families suffer pain at a member's passing no matter what the true character of the person passing is. But, as far as feeling for Teddy himself, I don't. The people of Mass were dumb enough to keep that murdering scumbag in office all this time and finally it is over. He got away with leaving that lady to drown all those years ago, which should have been the end of his political and even legal career. He will now have to answer to someone that is the opposite of Mass. voters, someone with actual wisdom and righteousness. I doubt Teddy will fair so well in the final election. I don't wish anyone to go to Hell, but, if we never think of any scumbags going there, where is the justice?
I totally disagree with you Doug. As far as his character ... he has really changed over the years and someone who has gone through so many tragedies. No one really knows what happened in Chappaquiddick. He has passed as many as 300 laws that affect millions of people day in and out. I’ve never seen anyone in my lifetime so devoted to helping people out especially those who don’t have a voice. Everyone in my state of Massachusetts loves him and we will forever.
Love YOU TED!!!!
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